Caponata From Sicily

2 lbs. eggplant 4 Tbs. capers
3 medium size onions 2 Tbs. pignoli (pine nuts)
5 stalks celery 1 lb. artichokes
1/4 lb. black olives 1 tsp. sugar (+)
1/4 lb. green olives Basil, thyme, parsley
4 stalks fennel 1/2 cup red vinegar
1 lb. tomatoes, fresh or canned 1 cup olive oil
2 lbs. mushrooms salt, pepper
6 oz. tuna, optional 2 oz. anchovies, optional

Cut celery and fennel stalks into 3 strips. Chop strips in 1" lengths. Boil about 10 min. Set aside. Cut eggplant into 3/4" cubes. Place in colander, salt well.

Place a weighted dish on it and let it drain 1/2 hr or more. In a pan put 1/2 the oil, the chopped garlic, chopped mushrooms and cook about 10 mins. Chop onions coarsely and add to pan, cook until tender. Add herbs, sliced olives, tomatoes, artichokes, capers and pignoli. Cook 5 min. Wash salt from eggplant and place on paper towels to dry some. In separate pan put rest of olive oil. When hot add eggplant and sauté until tender, but not mushy. Remove and set aside. Add celery and fennel to same pan and sauté until tender. Add sautéed eggplant, celery and fennel to other pan with vegetables. Cook about 10 min. Add vinegar, let evaporate 10 min. Let cool completely. Serve hot or cold.